

Offices now have the luxury of being flexible with partitioning systems being a key player in how an office looks, feels and performs. Businesses change and evolve, and it is vital to have the flexibility to change the layout and office design.

Partitioning allows the business to tailor its working environment to the way it wishes to work. Carrying out structural changes can be very costly, so modern partitioning is more often than not the required solution.

The traditional plasterboard systems employ sheets of plasterboard with aluminium or timber framework but nowadays it doesn’t end there. We can install for you any of the various types of partitioning available such as: 

  • Full Height Glazed
  • Demountable
  • Acoustic
  • Half Height Glazed
  • Borrowed Light
  • Standard Drywall

Fire protection and building regulations are frequently necessary considerations to provide safe escape routes. We can take these factors into account when necessary and provide the required certification.